What Are the Advantages of Using a Mediated Divorce to End My Marriage?
There is more than one method for getting a divorce. Traditionally, getting a divorce meant you and your spouse both needed to go out and hire attorneys, attempt to negotiate your divorce issues and then end up either settling instead or taking the case to court to have a judge decide your fate. In today’s world, alternative methods of divorce have been gaining popularity, like divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. Divorce mediation is a process that allows you and your spouse to use an arbitrator to help you make important decisions about your divorce. For many couples, mediated divorce can prove to be helpful, as it provides a variety of benefits and advantages over a traditional litigated divorce.
Advantages of Mediation
Getting a divorce is a significant and important point in your life. The decisions that you make during your divorce can be life-changing, which is why you must give your divorce the attention that it deserves and choose the best process for your family. Mediation is a good option for many couples -- and for many reasons. Some of the benefits that mediation provides include:
Providing a quicker divorce option. Mediation allows you and your spouse to complete your divorce at your own pace. When you get a litigated divorce, you are at the mercy of the court schedule. Divorce mediation allows you to get the process over much quicker than litigated divorces.
Gearing negotiations to focus on the family’s needs. When you settle your divorce in a courtroom and you and your spouse do not agree on something, the judge will then proceed to make his or her own decision as to what is best for the family. Mediation encourages and facilitates cooperation between both spouses to make decisions and arrangements on divorce issues.
Saving money. Mediated divorces often come with lower price tags than other types of divorce. This is because a mediated divorce only includes one third-party individual to act as the arbitrator for the divorce.
Speak to Our Will County Divorce Mediation Attorneys Today
Divorce mediation only works if you and your spouse are willing to be completely honest and open with one another as you negotiate. Some situations are not conducive to successful divorce mediation, such as if you are experiencing domestic violence or if you do not think you or your spouse will be able to cooperate. At the Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C., we can help you determine the best type of divorce for your situation. To schedule a free consultation with our Plainfield, IL divorce lawyers, call our office today at 630-355-7776.