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Gray Divorces Are Only Getting More Common

 Posted on November 14, 2022 in Divorce

naperville divorce lawyerEarlier this year, the American Bar Association (ABA) said that while the overall divorce rate in the United States was on the decline, the one group seeing an increase was the so-called “gray-haired” demographic. People 50 years of age or older account for 25 percent of all divorces, and 1 in 10 individuals getting divorced are 65 years of age or older. Anybody who is going through a gray divorce in the greater Naperville area will want to be sure they are working with an experienced divorce attorney for people in retirement or near retirement.

There are certainly advantages to getting a divorce when you are older, as there is less likelihood for adverse effects on children who are presumably grown up and out of the house by this point. There can still be a number of complicated issues for people to deal with in these cases, however.

Making Gray Divorces Work

Getting divorced at an older age involves many uniquely complex issues. A few of the most challenging issues that can arise in gray divorces include:

  • Finances — Financial issues are often a key point of contention and complexity in a gray divorce. Older couples often have greater wealth than younger couples. They may own investments, business interests, retirement assets, and other assets that will need to be addressed during the divorce. If one spouse makes significantly more money than the other spouse, the lesser-earning party may be entitled to spousal support (alimony). Per Illinois law, permanent spousal support may be available for individuals married 20  years or longer. 

  • Infidelity — As shocking as it can be to much of the rest of the family, one of the spouses in a gray divorce may have been having an affair that jeopardized the marriage. An affair can make the divorce process much more hostile and emotionally-charged. Moving in with a new partner can also impact spousal support considerations.

  • Residence — When an older couple parts ways, it is not as easy for a spouse to find a new place to live. Some people may require nursing homes or assisted living centers, which can add a financial burden.

Contact a Will County, IL Gray Divorce Attorney

Are you an older adult who is now dealing with a possible divorce? Know that you do not have to handle everything by yourself, and the Naperville gray divorce lawyers at Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C. can fight to protect your rights.

Our firm helps clients of all ages and we are happy to walk you through the entire divorce process. You can call 630-355-7776 or contact us online for a free consultation.




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